Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of OPEC

So, you thought the economic crisis we are currently experiencing was caused by loose monetary policy, loose economic regulation, or just plain loose morals by the likes of Goldman Sachs and associated plutocrats?

The housing bubble, no-money-down loans, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac holding multi-billions in bad loans and other “toxic assets”? That’s not profligacy – it’s the Amurrican Dream, boy! And to suggest otherwise is … hey, what are you, some kind of Communist?

According to this report, paid for by the Pentagon and “declassified” so that Washington Times “national security expert” Bill Gertz could hyperventilate over it, the uptick in oil prices is also part of an Ay-rab plot. The Pentagon “study,” authored by one Kevin D. Freeman, cites neocon nutball Walid Phares, a Christian Falangist of Lebanese extraction and paid propagandist for the Israeli-connected Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, who avers:

Whatever third-rate propagandist thought up this wacked-out “theory,” which is the post-9/11 version of the Protocols, he seriously misjudged the American people. Although I admire Mencken, I don’t believe his cynicism reflects reality: this blame-the-Arabs narrative is going nowhere, fast. For someone to suggest that a population living on $2 a day, on average, is somehow engaging in “economic warfare” against the US, and taking us down, is just bonkers: we are waging economic warfare against ourselves, and have been for quite some time. Our politicians have been waging that war, using the US Treasury as their arsenal – and everybody knows it.

The American people should demand their money back from Mr. Freeman and his consulting firm – and they should ship Mr. Phares back to Lebanon, where he can write his screeds closer to the objects of his hatred.