Monday, June 20, 2011


ST. MORITZ, Switzerland—The secret globalist group “Bilderberg” called for a big war by expanding the turmoil in Libya into a full-scale conflict involving the entire Middle East except for Israel. This is a grim and bloody outlook, because, historically, every time Bilderberg orders war, the guns begin to shoot. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush followed orders and attacked Iraq in Persian Gulf War I. He lost to peace candidate Bill Clinton, who followed orders and invaded Yugoslavia.

The list is endless: Every war dating back to and including World War II has been ordered by Bilderberg. Although they did not start calling themselves Bilderberg until 1954, Rockefeller and Rothschild cronies had the ear of President Franklin Roosevelt when the White House baited the Japanese into conducting a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941.

When Bill Clinton, a Bilderberg attendee, was president, NATO became the UN’s standing army, operating anywhere in the world on the orders of the Security Council. Under the UN, NATO invaded Yugoslavia. Under its charter, NATO is a defensive army only. But the first weapon fired in anger was an offensive war under direction of the UN.

Bilderberg has forgiven Barack Obama for hesitancy about what is now “his war.” They understand the political delicacy in Washington but, as one said, “he’s a good soldier and he’ll follow orders.”