Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Let's Be Clear

The last time that the United States Military did anything to actually defend this country was in World War II. Every 'action' after that war was nothing more than a political action in which the US military was nothing more than an armed political force that was assigned to duty in foreign places to underwrite the most criminal of corporate interests which has brought us to this impasse that passes for life in 2011. (1)

From Korea to Vietnam, from Vietnam through Grenada and Panama: With side ventures in Chile and Africa, US military forces have been nothing but a bunch of paid thugs assigned to destroy other countries for US Corporate interests. Anyone in a US uniform that has served in Iraq, either in 1991 or in George Bush's illegal invasion and occupation has to know that everything they did there had nothing to do with protecting this country: Because it was always about suppressing the population to "unconditionally- surrender" to US and multinational-corporate-Oppression and the colonial Occupation of counties that were resisting American adventures in support of our Evil-Empire that has no basis in either law or humanity.

At the moment despite the doubling of our occupational forces, thru the use of mercenaries that have more than doubled the size of our expeditionary forces, we are still losing in every country we have troops today-because none of these wars are about winning they are all about continuing the flagrantly excessive military and political contracts that will never end: If they continue to have their way with the American people that are funding this entire charade.

The bottom line is the USA has been dead for a very long time: All that remains is have the formal burial. However this is not yet a forth world nation, despite all their attempts to make this happen now. Either we wake up to the fact that we have been sold out by traitors at every level of this government and that to change this FACT we must resist them with everything that we can individually do to withdraw this power that they believe they have, but which is only there because we have NOT called them on every single part of what they want to do to us. We don't need to continue to listen to a government that has LIED to us at every juncture, deceived us about every dime they have spent upon their own ventures which are all designed to steal this nation from those of us that built it brick by bloody brick.