Monday, June 13, 2011

A Hellenizing Jew

Shamir is able to say and write about things that -- in the politically correct climate currently limiting free speech in America (while its proponents hypocritically mouth platitudes about how "diversity is our strength") -- would automatically brand a Gentile as a "hate-filled anti-Semite." Things that will, if the ADL, JDL, WJC, AIPAC, and other such crypto-Zionist, Israel-first organizations have their way, soon be prohibited by the "Hate Speech" legislation they are pushing for in America. The same kind of legislation their sister organizations have successfully lobbied into law in countries like Germany, France, Canada, and, in the near future should current trends continue, the entire European Union. If or when this unhappy day arrives in the "land of the free and the home of the brave," it will be illegal to write, say, and, if enforcement of such a prohibition were possible, think such things as were said by Shamir in Spain. Here are some examples excerpted from an article about Shamir by Tom White in Culture Wars magazine (July/Aug. 2004. pp. 6 -9.):

In the "neo-Jewish" U. S., the Judaic paradigm came forth in place of apostolic
Christianity, and with it the New World Order of a dwindling middle class,
vast security apparatus, growing social gaps, and impoverishment of spirit. It is not the first time the Judaic paradigm [as opposed to the Helleno-Christian] rises in the world; but such societies invariably collapse for they lack a broad social base. Now its proponents have decided to ensure its survival by making it globe-wide; this is the reason of wars and expansion, for their design would not survive on any smaller scale. (Emphasis added.)

Though we may disagree with his politics, we consider Shamir to be a remarkable man whose love for his fellow Jews, and for humanity as a whole, shines through his work. It is worthy of note, and has been mentioned and demonstrated on this site, that the most persuasive and well-reasoned criticism of the terrorist state of Israel is not coming from the dimwitted skin-heads in their Nazi-like uniforms and their thuggish mannerisms (who are presented to us by the controlled media as being typical of the dissenters to Israeli aggression), but by the most intelligent and historically aware segment of the population. Such a segment would naturally include many right-thinking Jews, not a few of whom have been quoted or written about here on TGR.