Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spiritual War: Where Are The Christians?

Where are our own Christians?

The only Christian I know who has spoken of the Pharasaical spiritual occupation of our societies, Bishop Williamson of the Catholic order SSPX, has been ordered to silence by the leader of his own order and by the Pope himself.

The Bishop believes that the endless repetition through the media of the 'Holocaust gas chambers' story has mesmerised and intimidated the entire Christian community into a kind of witless helplessness to the point where we have, effectively, abandoned something at the very core of Christ's message. (Williamson also believes, not without evidence, that the vision of horror that is the industrialised extermination of a people by 'gas chambers' is a lie.)

The mission of Christ, the Jew, was to save the Jews from the satanic wickedness of those who had taken over leadership of His people. His mission was to fulfil the true law of Moses and the prophets, to bring Jews and, through them, the whole world, into right relationship with the ecstacy that is the pure love of God.

The Pharisees wanted to invert this message, which they did. Their drive was to, amazingly, bring the Jewish people to absolute power and ownership over the entire world and its peoples. 'Monstrous'? 'grandiose'? Is there a word out there to adequately describe such an ambition.