The fight against the DREAM Act amnesty not only proved that the American political process is not as broken as White Nationalists once imagined, but that the forces of communism, treason, and race suicide can be pushed back – no matter how powerful.
For over nine years, RINOs and Democrats have conspired to push the DREAM Act through Congress, and with a mulatto in the White House and a solid Democratic majority in the House and Senate, fate briefly seemed destined to smile on advocates of amnesty for illegal aliens, who pinned their hopes on Dirty Harry’s ambition and Nancy Pelosi’s corrupt bargain with the Treason Caucus, to pass at least one small portion of their radical agenda.
Congratulations to all those who struck a blow against these enemies of America. This victory would not have been possible without the brave decision by so many of you to stand your ground and represent the commonsense views of your constituents.
How’s that for a change?
Even today, the anti-White movement is busy skewing the facts and spoonfeeding pro-amnesty propaganda to the mainstream media and the public. Imagine2050, an anti-White organization with ties to the Far Left and hate groups like the NAACP and La Raza, has repeatedly trashed White America on a daily basis for over two years now.